Why Women Get Left Behind in Real Estate

by | Apr 2, 2019 | Flipping Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, Wealth in Real Estate | 0 comments

          Women own only 1% of the world’s land but we perform two-thirds of the world’s work. Women hold up 50% of the sky but only get paid until November and men get paid to the end of the year. There’s a big difference in women’s pay versus men. Women CEO’s that work for big companies work 3 times harder than their counter parts just to earn equal pay while someone else is raising her family and spending quality time with them.

           Most women think real estate investing is a man’s job. Investing in real estate doesn’t require muscles it just requires knowledge and action. The late Godfather of Soul has a song that says “It’s a man’s world and it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl.” I say “it’s a woman’s world and men would cease to exist without a woman or a girl.”

          Women that have stepped out of their comfort zone have made millions in real estate investing. There are plenty of real estate agents and brokers they make money and work very hard. There are more women real estate agents than men and that’s as far as we take it.

          Real estate investing is the fastest way to gain wealth for women. You do not need a real estate license to be an investor. Women get left behind because of lack of knowledge and fear. We as women have been programmed by society to be everything to everyone else, multitaskers, how to survive on just having enough but not to create wealth. Women are in danger of living retiring and dying in poverty. Owning and investing in real estate will retire you at any age from working a 9-5.

          Real estate investing in my opinion is the quickest way to become a millionairess, live your best life and leave a legacy for your family.

          If you would like to know more, request a call from me. Click here. Be sure to leave the best phone number and email to contact you. You can learn about our upcoming Flipping Real Estate class at http://www.flipsmadeeasy.com.

Chiquita Lindsay

Chiquita Lindsay

Real Estate Investor, The Queen of Real Estate

Chiquita Lindsay is an author, speaker, expert real estate investor and coach with 10 plus years of experience as a certified landlord coach. Chiquita is a professional flipper, wholesaler, and owner of several rental properties. She specializes in all things on the investment side real estate.

Chiquita was featured in Courageous Magazine and served as a real estate editor for Exposure Online Magazine. She is the founder of Stop Working Broke Bootcamp and served as president of the KY Chapter of Wealthy Sisters Network. Chiquita is the author of Amazon Best Seller, “Quit Affirmations.” She resides in Louisville, KY, she’s married with young adult children and a caretaker of her elderly mother. Her mission is to help women build a Queendom and leave a legacy for their families by owning land and investing in real estate.

Follow me on Periscope @gclindsay and @StopWorkingBrok Facebook @queensofrealestate1 Instagram @realestatequeens